How I Built My Real Estate Brand Through Authenticity
Whether it be your personal brand, your professional brand, or your company’s brand (those can all be 3 different brands. Mine are), your entity’s “brand” isn’t just about the logo and colors.
Most people know this but it’s really about the entire vibe and leveraging consistent colors and logo to support that vibe - from how you position words in a sentence, to where you chose to advertise your business, or whom you surround yourself with — everything you do can (and should if you’re good at it aka intentional with it) play into your objective with your brand. Here’s more on what I did and why: My logo is a Meyer lemon 🍋 (maybe you knew that, maybe you didn’t. If you didn’t, there’s a bunch of juice (pun intended) behind why I picked that item in particular but that’s a story for another day) but our lemon logo doesn’t define the brand. It enhances it and aligns very closely with it, but there is a locked and loaded strategy for my real estate company’s brand that has been in place since year 2 (watch the video for how things started) and we haven’t really deviated from that strategy over the subsequent 7 years. - Approachable - Authentic - High energy (aesthetically even) - In-the-know on all the local things - Smart as hell - Something you want to be friends with ^ those are my original notes for what I wanted to create when I built my real estate company’s brand and while my business has certainly changed a ton, our brand has stayed tried and true. Tell me about your brand’s story and how you got there! . #brand #brandidentity #brandstrategy #marketing #authenticbranding #authentic #jupiter #juplife